Welcome to Tree House Blooms!

Tuber pre-sale coming this fall for the 2024/2025 season! Additional varieties to come.

We’re a small flower farm in Caledonia, Michigan that focuses on dahlias. We just LOVE watching people light up when they see our flowers! Whether you’re a beginner or an avid collector we feel like there’s something for everyone! We baby our plants, continuously work on our soil health, sanitize between cuts and toss anything that looks suspicious for virus. When growing we label the individual tubers, label in front of each plant, map where everything grows in the garden, and use flagging tape to label the base of each plant after they bloom true to form.

*** Tuber Sale important information***

Tubers are sold as single tubers. Will only ship viable, intact, tubers with a body, neck, crown, and eye.

  • ***Fall shipping window is possible for 2024 - announcements will be made first to email subscribers*** We are likely to offer a limited number of tubers for fall shipping, weather dependent. In order to take advantage of fall shipping, you must add the fall shipping item to cart. There is an additional $5 charge for fall shipped tubers. This goes towards any additional packaging materials, larger boxes, or heat packs necessary to keep your tubers safe in the cold weather. We are in Michigan- it gets to freezing here before many other parts of the country. Once the fall shipping offerings are done I will remove that item from the product list. We would love for you to shop the pre-sale - and happy to hold off on shipping until spring if you don’t wish to pay extra for fall shipping.

  • An additional, larger sale with many more varieties will be added after digging, dividing, and inventory. We have roughly 260 varieties, and will make as many of those available as inventory allows. We do not plan to list highly sought after varieties with very little inventory (we keep those to build stock).

  • Fall shipped tubers- you are on your own for winter storage. Be confident in your winter storage methods, otherwise do not choose fall shipping. That being said - getting your tubers early is great for warmer climates and those who like to increase their stock by taking cuttings. We are happy to carefully store tubers over the winter and ship when it is safe to do so in the spring.

  • Spring-shipped tubers - our goal is to ship all by 5/1. Mother nature doesn’t always cooperate here for us. Plan to receive your tubers some time in April (most likely mid to late April). If you do not receive your tubers by 5/15 feel free to reach out to us.

  • Please open and properly store your tubers immediately upon receipt. We require notification within 5 days if there are any problems with your order. After that, the plant’s success is up to your green thumb and mother nature. We can’t control your growing conditions, the weather, your treatment, or Mother Nature.

  • If we run out of a variety or have a storage failure, our default is to refund you for that variety and let you know. Numbers listed are a conservative estimate based on inventory - we try very hard not to disappoint.

  • Virus - dahlia stock is estimated to have a high percentage of virus. It is not feasible for us to virus test everything and keep it affordable to our customers, nor is virus testing an all clear as virus is transmitted by bugs throughout the season. We sanitize between cutting plants, cull anything suspicious, and are very careful when dividing and cutting plants not to contaminate each other. We also want to be straightforward about our pest management plan. We use beneficial insects where possible. We do spray as needed in the evening- mostly organic treatments, but some non-organic if needed. We are always working on our soil health, including amending based on our soil test and doing our own composting, to make for healthier plants with less pest pressure.

  • There are no cancellations allowed. We are reserving tubers for you. I hate to have to add this, but in light of recent news, I want to make it clear that once you purchase from us, you can do whatever you want with your tubers. Grow them, gift them, donate them, light them on fire and send them down the river if that makes you happy!

  • Coseytowns are no longer in our 2024 grow plan or going forward. KA’s are not in our 2025 grow plan. They are beautiful flowers and still work well for cut flower use and home gardeners. I will likely be adding additional varieties since I’m no longer building stock on these.

*****Please note all photographs are property of Tree House Blooms, LLC and use of our photographs is prohibited without written permission**

Happy shopping, and thank you for supporting our small business!


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